The Firm complies with Solicitors Practice Rule 15. The Law Society has defined a formal complaint as being: “any expression of dissatisfaction referred to the person nominated by the organisation who is not dealing with the case”
It is the policy of the Firm to ensure that:
- Every complaint is reported and recorded centrally.
- Every complaint received is responded to appropriately.
- The cause of a problem is identified, appropriate redress is offered and unsatisfactory procedures arc corrected.
All clients will be informed by letter about the action they should take if they feel they have grounds for complaint. This will be by way of a standard paragraph in the initial letter to the client. The standard paragraph will specifically state:
- Who the client should contact in the first instance of a problem.
- Who the client should contact if the problem is not resolved to their satisfaction.
- All complaints will be recorded in the central Complaints Register. A full description of the complaint will be held on the case file and a copy placed in the Complaints Register and Khizar Hussain will keep the Complaints Register.
All complaints will be notified to Khizar Hussain in the first instance, who will:
- Review the file with the Fee Earner.
- Request details of the complaint from the client by letter or interview.
- Determine what degree of validity the complaint has.
- Decide how the complaint should be remedied.
Mr Hussain will review the complaint folder annually, for evidence of trends, in order to continually improve service.
What to do if you are not happy.
Rahman and Co Solicitors are committed to providing a high quality service. If you are not happy with any part of the service provided, you can contact Mr. Khizar Hussain on 020 8809 4643 who is a partner in the firm and responsible for dealing with complaints either by telephone or by letter. If your complaint is with Khizar Hussain please contact Mr Assad Ahmed on 080 8809 4643. We will consider and reply to your complaint within 8 weeks. If we have not resolved it within this time then you may contact the Legal Ombudsmen and complain to them. You can contact Legal Ombudsman via PO Box 6167 Slough SL1 0EH. If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint you can ask the Legal Ombudsmen to consider the complaint. The time limits for referring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman will be no later than one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or one year from the date when the complainant should have realised that there was cause for complaint.